12.07.2023 | News Overview

Congratulations on passing the exam!


Finally it’s done and the learning is over. After 3 years of training, we are pleased to be able to celebrate the success with our four colleagues and also welcome them back to the company. Young talent plays an important role in the Achilles Group. That’s why it’s all the more pleasing that all of the now former trainees are staying with the company and continuing to enrich our team.

We congratulate:

Nanja Sauer, successfully passed the exam to become an industrial clerk. Ms. Sauer will provide sales support for Plant III in the future.

Felicia Beyer, successfully passed the exam to become an industrial clerk. Ms. Beyer will enrich sales in Plant IV in the future.

Joshua Bauer, successfully passed the industrial clerk exam. Mr. Bauer will also strengthen the team in terms of sales for the presentation products.

Tolgahan Kutun, successfully passed the exam to become a warehouse logistics specialist. Mr. Kutun will take care of all logistical tasks at his usual place in the warehouse.

We would like to thank all four of them for their great achievements and look forward to many more years together.